Feature of ganty type platform
1、 Y向双支撑,双向滚珠丝杠传动,结构紧凑,性能可靠、稳定
Axis Y double bracing , doubleaction ball screw drive, compact conformation made it’s performance reliable and stable.
2、 对于大型和超大型数控工作平台具有更高的稳定性
For large scale and super large scale platform, it has highier stability.
3、 高精度的滚珠丝杠,直线滚动导轨传动机构(台湾ABBA),确保切割头的运行速度和精度
High accuracy ball screw, guide way of brand ABBA which made in TAIWAN, ensure runing speed and accuracy of cutting head.
4、 独特的自动润滑系统,使设备更加经久耐用,并且便于维护
Special automatic lubricate system made equipment more durable and also convenient for maintenance.
5、 采用高品质的拖链和专用移动电缆,经久耐用
Adopting high quatily chains and dedicated removel cable, it became more durable.
6、 可根据不同材料的切割要求,定制特殊的工装。
Can custom-tailor special tooling according to different materical with different cutting requirment.